Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Moving Forward into a New Year..

I'm not gonna lie 2012 was a hard year for me and was not the best year for my family.  We experienced the significant loss of my mother, me once again doubting career paths, a strained family relationship and I am homesick and ready to move back to the other house.  But with all that being said, I know all of this is in God's plan for us.  I have made News Years Resolutions in the past only to break them each and every time so I have finally given up even making them.  I am however excited for 2013.  I am excited to be moving back to our "home sweet home", I am excited and thankful that my job is working perfectly and I am excited about our future.  I am at peace with alot of decisions and I am grateful that God gives us grace when we need it.  My children are healthy and happy and my husband is amazing.  We are beyond blessed!  Our calendars are overflowing as usual and our friends are always there for us, so bring on 2013....we're ready. Lots of fun and exciting things are happening with the Breedlove's.

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