Monday, October 24, 2011

October 2011

I cannot believe its been almost a month since my last post, major catching up to do.  Both our high schoolers had homecoming at school this month and both looked amazing.  Tyler was asked by his best friend Ashley to escort her for homecoming court and had a blast.  Kanon attended his first high school homecoming dance as a freshman.  Don and I ran around that evening like crazy people trying to be at all the places for pictures for both boys, but I must say I LOVED it!

My little boys are growing up so fast.  I find myself hoping and praying that we are preparing them for the great big world out there.  When Tyler started driving a whole new person emerged.  The boy who now needs to be responsible for his car, who now is responsible for getting Kanon to school safely and the son that now makes a few more decisions on his own.  I pray he chooses wisely and doesn't ever end up where he shouldn't be.  I have some more pictures from homecoming night to add as soon as my friend Laurie gets them to me on disc.  She has printed me out some awesome ones that I plan to frame for Tyler's room.  She was so kind to drive from Alpharetta to be a part of this night with us....and her pictures were definitely better than mine.

Other happenings throughout the month have included the haunted corn maze with wonderful friends for me, Grayson and Parker. I was a little nervous about taking Grayson since she is only 9 years old, but I think I should have been more nervous about taking me.  What a joke!!! She loved it and did not appear to be scared at All....I on the other hand was a complete wreck.  I was scared to death!!! of course, I have always been a bit of a chicken and never really loved haunted houses as a kid.  There were a group of middle schoolers who we love ahead of us and they were all crying hysterically....not Grayson and Parker they were loving it. Parker was our fearless leader with Ms. Lori.  I stayed in the back and just prayed it would hurry up and be over.  Before the haunted house, we had a great time at the Pizza Farm with Ms. Dana and Ally.  I think that was my favorite part. Pictures to follow soon.....


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