Friday, March 11, 2011

Blast from the past....

I wish I had been blogging ever since the the first day of my children's lives.  But.....since I haven't been, I am going to start inserting in snip-its from the past on occasion.  It's also so much fun to reminisce. 
A story from the past.....
Grayson wanted to be a cheerleader and Parker wanted to play upward so Don and I decided to both coach.  That's coach.  I did the cheerleaders and Don took care of the basketball team.  I loved being there with my children but I promise its my last time coaching Grayson.  She is a wonderful little girl and is all cooperative and smiles for other people, but she did not love cheerleading and I don't think she loved her mother coaching.  She would whine the entire game every Saturday about how bored she was.  Now, would she have done that with someone else? Absolutely not!  On the other hand, Don had a winning basketball team and Parker had a great season.

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