Thursday, February 24, 2011

Daddy-Daughter Dance

What a special evening for a very special little girl.  Her date was her sweet daddy.  After having boys for so long, I think he still doesn't know quite what to expect from his one and only girl.  She was so excited she wanted to start getting ready at 4:00 and the dance didn't start until 7:00.  We curled hair and put on a little makeup and she reminded me she couldn't forget her perfume.  She was so anxious to get to the dance.  They ate, danced and even took a horse drawn carriage ride.  It was the perfect evening for our baby girl.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Great Reason to Have Fun

Getting dressed up was fun as a teenager and is still fun as an adult.  Our kids think we are too old to be getting dressed up and dancing the night away.  The annual CSL Dance was this month and we had a great time.  It's a wonderful event that raises an incredible amount of money for local charities.  My favorite part is enjoying some time with our very special friends. 

Friday, February 18, 2011

Winter Dance

Look at this handsome young man! He is growing up so fast.  He recently attended the high school winter dance with a group of friends.  He did not want me to take pictures, but I harassed him so, he finally gave in. A momma NEEDS her pictures.... When he got home after the dance, I asked a million questions and of course all I got was "The dance was fun".  The typical answer.  I sure hope my daughter gives me more details when she's this age.  It's a boy thing, I'm sure.  Even without a long discussion about the dance, I can tell he had fun and I am so glad he his happy.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Our Basketball Star

Parker's basketball season is over for now, but he came out a winner.  He had his banquet last Monday and I was so proud of my little man.  Not only did he get his regular trophy, but he also was awarded Most Improved!  He loves basketball and gives it his best on the court.  I can't wait to see him as he gets older.  It only gets tougher and takes practice and dedication to be successful.  He says he can't wait and has big plans for his basketball "career".  I love the fact that he dreams big and we will support him every step of the way.  This last week has been tough for all of us... but even tougher for Parker. I hope I can type this without crying.  "Mamaw" went to live at a nursing home where they can care for her and keep her healthy and safe.  Parker loved spending time with her on a daily basis and will miss that so much.  Even though he will see her  weekly, he is used to coming home from things like his basketball banquet and running downstairs to show her his awards.  I pray God gives him a peace about this and helps him understand the new arrangements for mamaw were necessary.  We went to visit on Sunday and he took his trophy and medal to show her.  This visit was special for both of them.