Thursday, June 3, 2010

Where Have We Been......?

Wow, I can't believe the whole month of May has past without a single post from me.  I guess it was just that time of year when you take one day at a time with our busy schedules.  I know with all the class parties, ball games, awards days, field days, finals for older kids, etc. I was definitely living in crisis mode.  But, we made it through and I wouldn't trade a thing, except for maybe having enough money to hire someone to do ALL the cooking and cleaning.  My 4 little blessings have officially all moved on to the next grade and are not so little anymore.  It's summer and time to catch up on all those things we miss doing throughout the busy school year.  No homework and a more relaxed that's what I really enjoy.

Lots of fun things always happening.  Above.... Kanon at baseball and his first spring football game. Parker and Grayson walking into Kanon's game after finishing Parkers game. Grayson at field day, gymnastics and in her classroom with her book she wrote. Every year in second grade at CPS, each of my children have published their very own book.  I know we are going to enjoy looking back at these when the children are all grown up.
Tylers finished Honors Biology Project. He made a 98 and I am so proud. Yeah!!!

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