I'm a little late providing updates and so many fun and wonderful things have happened I'm not sure where to even start. So, I will include some pictures from this past Sunday with some quick captions. Springtime is by far the busiest time of year for us. Parker is playing little league baseball, Tyler is running high school track, Kanon is playing junior league baseball and Grayson is in gymnastics and that doesn't even include mine and Don's responsibilities. Don, as athletic director for his school, is usually busy with spring sporting events while I have just been invited to join Cartersville Service League. CSL is proving to be lots of fun, but also adds to my schedule. My consulting business is really busy now, which is a GOOD thing. I just don't seem to have enough hours in the day to accomplish everything that I want to get done. But, I must say we are blessed. I just pray that both Don I can manage all the day to day tasks and responsibilities without losing our focus and without taking for granted the things that matter most..... God and our Family. I long to just be able to slow down and truly take everything in around me because I know it will all be over so fast. I can't believe Tyler is almost finished with his Freshman year of high school. It seems like he just started and now he only has 3 more years before college. I want to really enjoy every moment. I don't want to wake up and say to myself, where did all the time go? Even though... I hear I will probably do that anyway. I just want to make a conscious effort to enjoy my beautiful children. I also really want to be a positive role model for them and truly be there for them when they need something. My heart's been a little heavy lately as I have had to face some realizations from my own past. I want to be there for my children while their young and I want to be there for them when they are grown and are building their own families. So even though life is moving at breakneck speeds, I plan to hang on and do my best to savor every moment. Below are some pictures from our neices Madison and Lauren's birthday party. It was a cute Zebra and Minnie Mouse theme.

Parker enjoyed jumping in the bounce house and even Kanon (in blue) jumped with the little ones.
Grayson loved having her picture made with Minnie Mouse, the boys not so much.....