Sunday, October 2, 2016

It's finally feeling a little like Fall....

The weather this weekend has actually felt a little like Fall could be on its way. It was a little cooler so I didn't feel so crazy putting out the pumpkins and mums around the house.
 I have also enjoyed using this weekend to get caught up and little better organized. Let's hope the mood stays with me through today so I can finish.
 Parker has been gone to a cross country race and Disney world this weekend while Grayson has had swim practice. Kanon is working and Tyler, well who knows what he's up to now that he lives in his own place. Don and I will be complete empty nesters sooner than we think. I can't believe how grown up our children are. Grayson and Parker, our babies are gearing up this week for High School Homecoming Festivities as Parker prepares to escort his best friend on Homecoming Court and Grayson attends her first high school dance with her sweet friend. Who by the way asked her to the dance with the cutest Harry Potter Reference since his name is Harry. 
 Until next time......