Monday, October 13, 2014

A Blessed Life

I am so thankful for this life. Sometimes we get caught up in all the things we need or want, but when it comes down to it...I have everything I could possibly ever ask for, want or need. I have my faith, my amazing husband, 4 smart and healthy kids, a beautiful home, an awesome job and Christian friends to surround me. It's a pretty great life! At church these past few weeks, Pastor Andy has been doing a sermon series about simplifying your life. Each week I leave church with a renewed commitment to do just that. I am well aware of the areas where my struggles are and where I need to make changes. I pray that over these next few weeks I will make some changes that will have a positive impact in who I am and who God created me to be. 
My sweet family is always on the move and I love capturing each of our celebrations, accomplishments and just plain fun.
First day of school this year. Kanon is a senior, Parker is in 8th and Grayson is a 7th grader.
Falcons game with awesome friends.
Grayson and I shopping for her birthday. I love that she wants to spend time with me.
Lifelong friends...Mötley Crüe concert. I must say I'm not a big fan of Mötley Crüe, but always love spending time with this crew. The fact that we went to his concert definitely shows our age.