Friday, November 25, 2011

Our Daughter........

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

It's almost Thanksgiving

Tomorrow is thanksgiving and I have so much to be thankful for.  I couldn't possibly list everything that I am thankful for, but most importantly I am thankful for God's mercies.  These next few weeks are going to be busy, extremely hard and exciting all rolled into one as we begin a new chapter in our lives.  It seems at times that so many new things are headed our way..I can hardly breathe.  I post on here often all the wonderful milestones that we encounter and the memories that we cherish, but right now they are coming at me so fast, I find myself not being able to keep up.  I so want to savor each and every moment, but life seems to not slow down.  I have to briefly mention....Kanon turned 15 yesterday and got his learners that makes two teenagers who can legally get behind the wheel in our family.  Birthday post to follow.  But for now as we get ready to move into our new home I pray:

Heavenly Father, we are trusting you now and in the days ahead to continue to watch over our family and pour your blessings upon us.  We are scared, nervous and excited about the move and the changes to come, but are completely trusting you.  We know you have a plan and we pray that we will live our lives in a way that is pleasing to you.  When we find ourself worrying about what everybody else thinks, help me to remember, You are the only one that matters. Amen

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween 2011

All things leading up to the perfect night for a 9 & 10 year old. Earlier in the week we did our annual pumpkin carving.  Well, I guess I should say Daddy, Parker and Grayson carved a fabulous pumpkin.  I just watched and tried to take a few pictures.

Then....The big night arrived! What if every night included the opportunity to visit every house in the neighborhood and come home with enough candy to sink a small ship?  Grayson and Parker had a blast trick or treating this year as always and our two older boys held down the fort giving out candy by a warm fire.

Parker wanted to be something scary this year which was kinda new to me, but he was happy being "zombie killer" and Grayson was a new kinda witch, she designed her costume all by herself.  She knew exactly how she wanted it to look.  Tyler and Kanon ended up "supposedly" running out of candy before we got back from trick or treating only to find out they were saving the Peanut Butter Reese Cups all for themselves. :)  I must admit they're my favorite too.